Wednesday 10 December 2014

10th Day of Blogmas

Wahhh! I've only just realised I didn't have a post ready for Blogmas!!
So this will be short and sweet by the looks of it.

I've decided to go to the pub with my housemates for Newyear's abs it's been a total nightmare to the point it feels like I should go to the house party instead...
I've been to the pub twice to buy my £30(!) ticket and the first time I went I was told tickets weren't even on sale yet...

like 2/3 weeks before Newyear? What? I even gave my name and contact number so they would email me once they went on sale.
When I spoke to my housemates, they HAD they're tickets... so WTH! So after work I rang the pub and asked 100% if they are on sale. They confirmed I should buy my ticket now, so off I went.
10 mins later I arrived and asked at the bar only to be told only three manger can sell the tickets and I wasted my time going to pick them up!!

Gotta say I was really annoyed!

So if I don't get my ticket tomorrow, im not going as its irritated me far too much... /end rant.

:) ill be more positive tomorrow I promise!

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