Friday 19 December 2014

18th Day of Blogmas

So the tree is fully decorated and presents wrapped and I'm ready! Got my works xmas party in 2 days so need to plan my outfit, as I have more than enough party wear so I won't be buying anything new!

I also used my lovely Yankee candle which is cranberries ice, which is a classic I end up buying every year <3 Seriously hunt it down as its just perf!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

17th Day of Blogmas

I don't know about you, but i'm obsessed with nail polish... And highly addicted to new colours and trends and cant even walk into Boots or Superdrug without buying at least one new colour!

As you can see from the picture below I went a bit mad and bought alot of Christmas colours to add to my colllection...

I need to think of something nice I can do with the reds and greens I purchased as im very shakey handed and cant manage anything to intricate.

So let me know if you have any good suggestions of what I can do?

Tuesday 16 December 2014

16th Day of Blogmas

Welp, thats it... I'm addicted to Costa Black forest hot chocolate... I've been way too many times to Costa now! I planned to vary what I was ordering and err failed with that to! ;) Although I did get a muffin ! :) :) :)

15th Day of Blogmas

As the chocolate says "Ho, Ho, Ho!" As you can probably guess I hit Thorntons and just couldnt resisit this little treat for myself (or share I guess) Haha!
So it's Monday guysssss! Not ready for this it's getting too close now still got to wrap...

But im def there and now actually getting excited for Christmas, so im guessing doing Blogmas was actually a great idea to breath some magic into my retail  heart! Although chocolates will always help with that to be honest!

So I had a great weekend and went out Saturday night with a couple of girls from work and err had a couple of shandies through the night.

Sunday 14 December 2014

14th Day of Blogmas

I have a really cool gift idea thast I remembered from last year that I bought for my sister!
I went onto and bought this really cool construct your own crown ring designed by Rentaro Nishimura:

"A self-assembly ring, laser-cut from a single acrylic sheet, inspired by the "Queen of Hearts" from Alice in Wonderland he off-cuts are used to frame the product, making it easy and safe to send by post, and also acts as a stand for the ring and the message card. Recyclability is at a maximum through the use of recyclable materials and no glue or secondary materials. The product comes with three different ring sizes attached (16, 17 and 18 mm diameter), a ring to fit all sizes"

I think that covers the discription better than I could hope to do! 

Saturday 13 December 2014

13th Day of Blogmas

This blog post is going to be a 'see what I need to use up before Christmas' post... Thats a huge mouthful so i'll probably stick with Day 13 Blogmas title. I know I will be getting lots of lovely treats from Lush as its always high up on my Christmas wish-list.

So these are the last 4 products I need to use up by then to make sure I have plenty of room for these treats (plus it's extra incentive for me to use these up!). I'd like to point out im a daily shower kinda girl and I keep bath bombs for a nice treat!

The products im using up are the Wizard bath bomb, Pumpkin sparkly bath bomb some Christmas soap I just couldnt resist and a bath crumble scented like Rose Jam which is a good fav. scent of mine atm.

I've not used any of these except the bath crumble before so it will be interesting to see what they do and how they smell once they are in the bath water. 

I'll probably treat myself tonight as ive been busy at work and have no plans to be freezing and going out tonight when I have an early start tomorrow! 

Friday 12 December 2014

12th day of Blogmas

10 signs your totally addicted to Christmas.

So you've not been sleeping for weeks now and your stocking is already hung by the fireplace and you have your advent calender at the ready... BUT are you totally addicted to the most wondeful time of the year? Or are you just well prepared?

10. Your already recruiting all your (unwilling) collegues to practice THAT Mean Girls scene ready for the works Christmas party...

9. Your livingroom resembles a Christmas catalog/ An overfilled Chrisrtmas Santa's grotto...

8. You have had a count-down to Christmas on the go since last January...

7. Your obsessed with ALL terrible Christmas jumpers...

6. You decorate your house like this and think its fully acceptable from November onwards...

5. You wrap like this, and will easily spend 6 hours just getting that perfect look...

4. And not in a huge ball of sellotape... In fact thats your worst nightmare!

3. You've been watching all your favorite Christmas films on and off ALL year just because you love them that much...

2. You cant sleep at ALL, the whole week before the big day, and when you do your dreaming of what your going to get...

1. You get as excited as this kid the night BEFORE Christmas day...

big thankyou to image search on Yahoo for providing the pictures.

Thursday 11 December 2014

11th Day of Blogmas

Day 11!!! :) Only 13 days to go until Christmas... Are you looking forward to it? Im most excited for Christmas dinner! :)

Well I only done and got my very own Newyears eve ticket!! WooHoo! I rang up today and confirmed the sale of the tickets and that  I didnt need a manager to sell it to me, but yes there is one in just incase. And I had literally no trouble getting it... So third time lucky.

Here's a selfie of me leaving to go and get my ticket and then pop to Waitrose while I was out to get some food shopping done as I want to cook something nice tomorrow (only spagetti guys!) The coat is from Mango 2 years ago and the scarf is from Warehouse late summer this year.

Ahem, something may have happened when I was out shopping in Waitrose... I sorta went to the cake section and bought the cake of the week which is rather suitably Christmas cake. Which I did manage to take a photo of before scoffing it down!

Not bad for 99p! Really tasty and i'd never ever bake anything like this as im not patient enough for this.

So a good day! :)

Wednesday 10 December 2014

10th Day of Blogmas

Wahhh! I've only just realised I didn't have a post ready for Blogmas!!
So this will be short and sweet by the looks of it.

I've decided to go to the pub with my housemates for Newyear's abs it's been a total nightmare to the point it feels like I should go to the house party instead...
I've been to the pub twice to buy my £30(!) ticket and the first time I went I was told tickets weren't even on sale yet...

like 2/3 weeks before Newyear? What? I even gave my name and contact number so they would email me once they went on sale.
When I spoke to my housemates, they HAD they're tickets... so WTH! So after work I rang the pub and asked 100% if they are on sale. They confirmed I should buy my ticket now, so off I went.
10 mins later I arrived and asked at the bar only to be told only three manger can sell the tickets and I wasted my time going to pick them up!!

Gotta say I was really annoyed!

So if I don't get my ticket tomorrow, im not going as its irritated me far too much... /end rant.

:) ill be more positive tomorrow I promise!

Tuesday 9 December 2014

9th Day of Blogmas

It's the 9th day of Blogmas!! It's freezing cold this morning... (wah!)
So last night I was out in Revolutions and had a lovely meal with my family! Sadly my sister couldnt join us as she works in retail too and was working till 11pm!! That should be outlawed in my eyes.
I had a flipping lovely pulled pork burrito and chips and a yummy Aspalls cider. No dessert as it was waaaay to filling. :)

Today i'm just busy working and I plan to write out the rest of my Christmas cards and wrap more presents (Eeeee! thats probably a fav of christmas is too see what ive got for people and to think how happy they will be opening my gifts).

I think whilst I wrap my exciting gifts i'll be enjoying a Mulled cider, I had a cheeky one on Saturday night but forgot to blog about it and take photo's so i'll try to take some tonight and then post about it in the next couple of days!

I STILL have no idea what im going to do at Newyears... I hate having to decide this kind of thing, which is why when I was younger I used to throw huge house parties and have everyone over. Althought i'll never miss the Newyears day clean up... *shudders* I really hope I can pull up some photo's to show you what messy friends I have! ;)
Got to be honest, I'm glad I don't do those any more!!

Hope your all up to something fun!

Monday 8 December 2014

8th Day of Blogmas

Hey guys! We started Christmas in our house yesterday so I thought I would share where we got to so far!
(plus add in a couple of selfies for good measure!)

So in picture number 1 & 2 im in a *ahem* vintage New Look dress from a few years back and a Tatty Devine necklace <3 :) :) And in the background you can see our mantle piece where we have a tiny sparkly light up Christmas tree and a few Christmas cards...

In the 3rd and final picture I thought id show the display without my good self in the picture, its still a little sad and empty but that's ok as in a few days it will (hopefully!) be full to the brim of cards and decorations and will be festive :) I'm pretty tempted to buy some fake candles to put on there as they would look so cute!!

I'm going out for a meal tonight with my family so am looking forward to not cooking and having a good catch up with them all. It's just too busy this time of year!

Have a good night guys!

Sunday 7 December 2014

7th day of blogmas

Hello!! it's the 7th day of Blogmas and i'm sat  Blogging and listening to the ultimate Christmas album... The Destinys Child 8 Days of Christmas album <3 so obviously unlike how grinch like I have been im definately getting into the Christmas spirit!!

I have had an incredibly lazy weekend and apart from work and good food shopping at Waitrose I've not even left the house!
We now have a new housemate which is actually my second landlady as the two sisters own half the house each, I've met her before as she's been to visit a few times and is lovely. Do a welcome addition to the house! :)

Im in a quandary (good word) about Newyears eve as I can either go out with my housemates to a very, very local bar or I can go to a house get together on the otherside of town... Waahhh what do I do??

As I've been going on  about Black forest hot chocs to everyone I thought it would be amazing to attempt my own to save a few £'s....

Fail! Abort! No... 
just no...

it was by far one of the most disgusting ideas I've ever had... don't do it guys! I was not just looking for red berry flavor... It needed to be cherry I think to actually be nice...

lesson learnt! :)

Saturday 6 December 2014

6th day of Blogmas

Hello! So its day 6 of Blogmas, and im proud of myself for keeping up posting eveyday so far! -I am probably going to stop self congratulating myself for doing this, before you all get sick of it.

Any way Ive gone for another fashion gift idea post today in the form of STICKERS!! I mean who doesnt love stickers?? It's the school kid in me who loved getting them as a well done from the teacher for reading well and spelling... In fact im obsessed with all stationary and love having an excuse to buy more.

As Boots is really close to work ill often pop in on my lunch break which is why it features so heavily in my blogs. So in a I cant believe youve goneto Boots again way, I went there and spotted these...

The first product ive gone for is SCENTED melon nail stickers, which are not only super cute - easy to use and practical. But they smell like water melon which is a really nice scent! YUM!
I am wondering how long the scent lasts for and how useful it is, but either way im loving these cuties <3

They are a great price at £4 a pack, and from experiance using other nail stickers in the range they last a decent amount of time too! (Even though im terrible for getting bored and picking at my nail polish and wraps!).

The next sticker set is shoe stickers!! Why not jazz up a boring cheapy pair of trainers (Primarni) and mix and match with your outfit?!

You get 3 different designs to use and from the packet they look really nice, I would love to use them on a basic pair of trainers ive had for a few years from New Look, as I never wear them as I own much more exciting patterned shoes... So these will breath life into them nicely!

*Disclaimer* I am actually buying alot of these gift ideas for other people and not just getting loads for me!! Haha!

Friday 5 December 2014

5th Day of Blogmas

Hello guys! Yesterday I felt very productive and I decided to go out shopping to get wrapping paper and the last few little gifts I need to get for my family and friends...

I didn't quite finish as I need to receive some online gifts and buy some alcohol for my family, BUT I did really well and even managed to stagger home carrying it all!!

I then treated myself to a warming bath (and used a bonfire bath bomb) which was lovely and relaxing. And then out I went again to get a really important item... My FIRST black forest hot chocolate!!!  OMG its gorgous <3 <3 I only wish I'd gone for a massive cup
and not a tiny one :(

After relaxing for a bit I grabbed a couple of C.Ds (yes I'm old skool) and started to wrap all my gifts for my family! It took ages!...And I still have a huge pile of gifts to wrap. Although I did write up my Christmas cards

Thursday 4 December 2014

4th Day of Blogmas

Hello guys!  It's the 4th day of Blogmas today, are you feeling festive yet? When do you get to put up the tree? We wont be putting ours up until maybe a week or so before Christmas day so i'll have to wait a lot longer for that fun!!

Although actually putting up the tree isnt all that great, it's all about the decorating!! :)

So for all those lucky, lucky people who are about to embrace the magic of Christmas im going to put together a couple of  tree themes...

(Just a disclaimer i'm going to say fairy lights are essential so I wont picture those...)

1. Rainbow fun. Amazing colours and its all about kitsch and fun, so make like a Chameleon and go wild with colour! Paperchase had the BEST selection and alot of its on a 3 for 2, so excellent value for your money and it looks so good too!

2. A more classic look with a Winter wonderland theme. This look is best with gold, silver and a pop of black and white (basically any excuse to have penguins on your tree!).

Paperchase and Debenhams had the best selection for this look with the star filled baubles and polar bear decorations.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

3rd Day of Blogmas

Hey guys!

WOW! I've made it to the 3rd day in a row, I am so proud of myself (!!!) how are you finding these?

Well any way back to Blogmas, I thought today I would share a selection of my favorite Christmas songs. It's probably going to be a fairly short list as ive mentioned before im a retail worker so I get very sick and tired of Christmas songs as they tend to be on repeat every hour whilst im working and work never seems to get a different C.D ever!!

1. Fairy tale of Newyork -By the Pogues, who are easily one of my favorite bands ever any way and its a great grumpy sing-a-long song that I always get a small kick out of when it sneaks past the work censors...

2. Driving home for Christmas by Chris Rea. -This never fails to get me in a Christmassy mood, it makes me really excited when its on Christmas eve!

3. Jingle bell rock -Because of mean girls :)

4. Christmas lights- By Coldplay as its a really good different tone and again I haven't heard it a million times over and over.

5. Destiny's Child 8 days of Christmas album -I'm just sticking the whole album here as its a modern classic.  I remember when it came out at college and we had it on in class and we were all singing along as obviously Destinys child can do no wrong!

And errr I cant really think of any others I would choose to put on at home, although im sure there are plenty more classics id pick...

Lets call this an unfinished list then! :)

Tuesday 2 December 2014

2nd day of Blogmas

Hey guys, So is it Blog-mas or Blogmas? Im not really sure so I think ill use Blogmas for now until im told otherwise! (Ha ha!) So please comment below and let me know which it is!

So for my 2nd day of... Blogmas I decided to go down a fashion root and show a few fun items ive seen whilst out shopping! (Again in Boots!) But tbf I cant really help that they have such an AMAZING range of goodies which are also on 3 for 2 so you can often justify a little treat for yourself if need be!

The first thing I spotted that I just LOVE are these super cute mouse slippers, They look really cosy as they are knitted and are suprisingly soft as anything and seem like they would be toasty warm for christmas day! I really love the face on them and the pom pom nose! As you can see have been really popular already as there is only one pair left. 

The next item I loved was the ceramic cotton ball tailed rabbit dispenser type thingy... Im not quite sure what its exactly called, but its really sweet and practical and a great way to store your cotton balls.
It's such a good idea to store your cotton balls in a hygenic way and what could be cuter than this? It would look much nicer on your dressing table than the clear bags they noramlly come in, and im really into the girly white and soft pink theme ive seen on other blogs and am hoping to mdecorate my room next year (dont worry housemates nothing to crazy!).

I think i may just buy this one for myself as im not sure I can wait till xmas itself! Plus its in the 3 for 2 at Boots so I can buy treats for my family and friends and pick this up on the way... Organised eh?

Plus its totally furnishing for my room so basically its must have!

Monday 1 December 2014

1st day of Blogmas

Hello guys! So as I mentioned in a previous post I have been planning for Blogmas!! What is 'Blogmas'? I hear you ask! Well its a chance for Bloggers to get into the festive spirit and help out (hopefully) with gift guides and festive ideas around the house etc. And basically enjoy this season of goodwill with you!

As a retail worker I find it harder than most people to enjoy the magic of Christmas, as I know ill be working almost every day up until Christmas day and working long and odd hours...
But! This year im actually starting to feel Christmassy already and im not screaming at all the Christmas songs on the store radio!

This year im excited to say I have Christmas day off... AND Boxing day!!! WOO!! :) So I feel I have alot more to look forward to, which may explain why im already getting excited for Christmas this year.

Any way, so to start off the Blogmas I went shopping in Boots have choosen Benefit's awesome gift idea to kick it all off as I love it and think its the best gift idea ever...

So Boots had a great little gifting area in the stores away from the counter itself, which is nice if your like me and like to spend ages looking at things and picking out just the right combination. And they had this great table that has a selection of miniature Benefit favourites (such as They're real mascara, Benetint and Pore-fesional and an eyeliner...) and you hand pick 4 items and put them in the pink stocking shown on the far left of the photo.

And voila! Your gift is complete, I mean who doesnt love Benefit any way? And it gives them a chance to try something new! I actually am tempted to pick up one for myself or drop some serious hints as im a bit of a fan of Benefit...

So what do you think? Would you be happy to find this under the tree??