Sunday 26 October 2014

Halloween outfit ideas: PT.1

Im still very, very unsure if ill be out and about for halloween this year as ive had an invite but dont drive so not sure about getting there and back as taxies get very expensive!

BUT im ready in my outfit planning! I just need to practice my make up (im going for an original idea.. a devil!) I'm kinda copping out with this as they want you to go for a classic horror film idea but I really dont want to invest in an outfit unless im 100% sure im going...

Obviously if I dont go out ill just be cooped up in doors with the lights off avoiding the trick or treaters ;P

So my second plan is a night in with the housemates watching scary films, so any suggestions would be great!

Ive made a couple of halloween mood boards so ill share them here so you can have inspiration if your struggling:

This is part one:

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