Friday 31 October 2014

Happy Halloween!

The big day is here, and If you have been following my first two parts of this you will know I had been thinking of fun outfits for halloween...

What I wanted to do for this third and (final?) part of the series was to have a fun and cute option rather than the classic horror looks I went for last time.

The inspiration for this outfit was actually the clock bag from Accessorize I spotted when out shopping the other day....

Here is my third and final outfit, which is the white rabbit from Alice in wonderland:

I have decided to stay in and watch a couple of scary movies 
and eat loads of chocolates and sweets! Might go to the shops and buy some creepy scary themed food after work! :)

Have a great spooky Halloween! xx

Thursday 30 October 2014

Adventures PT2. Dinosaurs and cake

So before I carry on with Fridays fun at my friend Hayleys here are the promised photo's of the Café -which im sorry I dont know the name of!

Love the dinosaurs! <3

So back to Friday, we left hers really early to get petrol and pumpkins and travel to her work in a charity shop where I was to help her all day. We got to her shop and had cakes and coffee for breakfast -Like the champions we are!!

Then spent the day sorting her window, tidying and sorting brick a brac and the DVD and music section as well as the jewellery and the new Christmas goods that had just come in!
We had the best lunch at a local café and I had ham and mustard sandwiches on freshly baked white bread, and a HUGE slice of chocolate fudge cake washed down with even more coffee. <3 <3

Any way after just about managing to stand up after that massive lunch and work the afternoon we went back to hers, picked up  her boyf and went out for a meal and drinks and a recorded 'Goggle box' once we finally managed to get home!

Then bright and early the next day I caught my train home and enjoyed a chilled out Saturday to relax before my week off finished.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Halloween outfit PT.2

I posted about Halloween and that ive been deciding what on earth I should wear...

Often I like to create mood boards for outfit ideas so I can choose the best idea that I can re-create, so here is my second outfit I was considering...

So as you can see I went for a spooky witch! I found a floaty chiffon skirt from New Look and a few fun accessories from Accessorize!
Not sure which exact shade the OPI nail polish is im afraid but that would be perfect for the creepy hands witches should have...
Finally the shoes are made my Iron Fist who also made the devil shoes shown in part1.

What do you think?

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Adventures PT1.

So last week I had an early weekend visiting my friend Hayley and seeing her new house!! It was really good to see her as the last time we actually met up and spent time together was just before she moved out of her old rented place and we went off to the delight and fun that is Glastonbury. <3

So we meet up at 12pm on Thurseday (after my traumatic experience with a spider crawling over my bag on my knee on the train)

 and we walked to hers. -She used to pick me up from the same station but used to drive me to hers so walking was brilliant!!

We then went into town and went to a lovely café (more on this in another post) then off we went after shopping back to hers and we hung out with her boyf and watched films and Pokémon! (and ate pizza of course!!).

Then off to the air bed to sleep and enjoy the next days adventures...

Monday 27 October 2014

Make up Monday: Gel eyeliner

I would like to trial a 'Make up Monday' set of posts as I had a great Twitter chat with a few girls on what you want to do to improve your blog, and one of mine was to blog consistently and have slightly more set days.

As I would rather blog too much than only once a week which I have been doing...

So to start off my first Make up Monday I have the Estee Lauder gel eyeliner on black.

I have posted on this before very casually as it is honestly the BEST gel liner I have used, It has a strong colour and it stays in place ALL day!! -even on the inner lower lash line.

Its really easy to apply as long as you invest in a longer brush than what they actually package it with, as that's tiny and hardly usable in my eyes (no pun intended). I use a Mac brush in 209 personally as its the perfect thickness for what ever look your going for.

The liner actually lasts forever as you don't need that much to achieve a strong colour and as it costs around £15 to purchase I think its excellent value for your £'s.

One of the other benefits I really want to mention is that unlike a liquid liner where you need a really steady hand and it takes forever to dry, or even a standard pencil liner that used to live in my handbag I was so attached to it, it never need sharpening so you never get that OUCH moment that you can get if you accidently scrape your eye with the wooden part of the pencil when perhaps you should've sharpened it more... Nor do you waste any as you don't end up binning the end lot like a pencil!

Phew! Well I think ive written an essay on this now, so please give me your feedback on how you feel about eyeliners... Which type or brand do you love?

Sunday 26 October 2014

Halloween outfit ideas: PT.1

Im still very, very unsure if ill be out and about for halloween this year as ive had an invite but dont drive so not sure about getting there and back as taxies get very expensive!

BUT im ready in my outfit planning! I just need to practice my make up (im going for an original idea.. a devil!) I'm kinda copping out with this as they want you to go for a classic horror film idea but I really dont want to invest in an outfit unless im 100% sure im going...

Obviously if I dont go out ill just be cooped up in doors with the lights off avoiding the trick or treaters ;P

So my second plan is a night in with the housemates watching scary films, so any suggestions would be great!

Ive made a couple of halloween mood boards so ill share them here so you can have inspiration if your struggling:

This is part one:

Thursday 23 October 2014

On the road again:

So I'm sat on the train traveling to my friends place, looking forward to lunch as I'm starving!! (Even though I had breakfast!!)

I missed my first train as I just couldn't get out of bed, after having most of this week off...
When I went to catch the next one it was cancelled... so that was my fault for being lazy -haha!

I also had a traumatic moment with a spider crawling all over my bag I had on my knee, I am proud I didn't scream and I just put my bag on the floor...

Wednesday 22 October 2014


I feel like I had ONE of those days today when everything seems to work against you...
You get the slowest people in front of you and wait the longest in line to only have the counter shut down just as its your turn!

But then it just meant it was that much nicer to get home and enjoy a coffee and a cheeky chocolate biscuit and put my feet up and write some blog posts ready for the coming week!

I am looking forward to visiting my friend Hayley for the weekend and having some fun and checking out her new house!! Very exciting as im yet to see the new place and shes been moved in since the start of September.

...Just realised I haven't got her a moving in gift... ARGGGG! Hopefully I can pick something up or just let her pick out something she actually needs instead...
Either way im going to enjoy seein g her and helping out in her shop as she works as a charity shop manager so is always glad of the extra help, and I love getting to see all the new donations and getting first pick! :)

What are you guys looking forward to this weekend??

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Outfit idea

I am looking for a nice new outfit for this winter and im obsessed with sparkles and glitter and love a good floral skirt so I made mood board of my perfect outfit to buy when I get paid at the end of the month.

Deka Rose Print Full Midi Skirt                                 from Oasis
IDINA KNIT TOP                                                      from Coast
Black Pointed Block Embellished Heel Shoe Boots  from New Look
Betty Jackson Necklace                                              from Debenhams

What do you think, would you wear it?

Monday 20 October 2014


I was really pleased with this new top I bought in Oasis in the sale for just £12!! I paired it with a Coast skirt (not pictured but this one) and Coast necklace I bought last year and black tights with black and gold ankle boots.
I then just chucked my hair up into a messy pony tail and just had simple eye make up and natural looking foundation.
Really I planned to do a proper full outfit of the day...Then I realised I don't have a tripod or a willing housemate to take my photo so I just went for a good ole selfie.


Sunday 19 October 2014

Estee Lauder makeup:

So a couple of weeks ago in Debenhams they had a mega week with 10% off cosmetics AND Estee Lauder had bonus time on.
So I was able to treat myself to a couple of goodies...

I decided to go for Estee Lauders most famous and coveted foundation 'Double wear' (in rose-ivory) which I had colour matched by the makeup artist, and my current beauty must-have Gel eyeliner in black.

my lush free gift (pictured below) came in this lovely chain detailed makeup bag, normally I give away the free bags to charity as I have hundreds of them and I usually dont rate them very highly compared to ones ive actually bought seperatly, but this one has taken my heart and ill find 'something' I can use it for!! :)


In side my free beauty bag there was a really decent amount of gifts and they are all good sizes and not the teeny tiny ones you sometimes get (which you only get one use out of!).
The gift comprised of:
  • Beauty how-to's, which went through how to use all the gifts.
  • 'Take it away' cleanser.
  • A mirror with a matching detail to the bag.
  • Pink lipstick in a metallic pink.
  • Night repair serum.
  • A day moisturisor.
  • Black mascara.
  • Finally(!) an eye cream.

I have bought and used quite a few of these products before and know how good they are as well as the fact they are best sellers for Estee Lauder. I believe this was excellent value for my money and am glad to have a few travel esentuials in a handily portable size I wont need to decant!


Have you used any of these products? How have you gotten on with them? Any suggestions for any brands who also give amazing gift with purchases??

Thursday 16 October 2014

Autumn days:

I've had a lovely day off work today, catching up on t.v shows and a bit of shopping as well as the dreaded cleaning of the house!
Really pleased I've managed to be so productive today and not just hibernated in bed all day -Ha ha!

I've been pretty bad with my blog posts recently so have been thinking of interesting ones to write next and wether to also start doing some outfit posts...

I love seeing outfits and how they've been put together!

So I'm now sat with my housemates enjoying a hot chocolate with whipped cream <3


Saturday 11 October 2014

Lucky Dip club woodland fun:

I am obsessed with Leona's Lucky dip club! <3

I am set up with a direct debit so I can receive a box at the end of every month, and I think it's excellent value for money and really good fun!

here is an UN boxing video taken on my phone:

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Body Shop:

One of my old school friends recently held an online bodyshop party which had amazing online games and offers...
I of course couldnt resist the urge to spend some money and purchase a few... essentials... haha!

The three items I purchased were All in one face base powder foundation in a base 3, liquid foundation in a base 2 and Colour crush nail polish in 420 A Grape Affair

I have used both foundations before and have never tried the nail polishes so cant wait to see how its lasts as

I do honestly struggle with them chipping whilst im at work and cant hide or re-paint them easily...

I will do a blog post once ive trialled the polish...

The base 3 powder was a mistakenly sent item but ill save it for the summer or when im wearing fake tan as

 I will use but may hit the shops soon for the base 2 that I normally use instead..