Friday 24 January 2020

Wardrobe 2020

One of my friends used the phrase "new decade, new me" and I really like it and I'm using it as inspiration to motivate me to make some changes.

I will never be a minimalist (and wouldn't want to be quite frankly!) But I do want to make more considered purchases and appreciate what I do have much more.

I have so much clutter.. And whilst most of it is sentimental or just interesting... I just can't keep everything... It will be far nicer for somebody else to use/ love the item rather than it languish in a cupboard or drawer.

 I mentioned I am doing a project pan and a make-up low buy this year. I am continuing with that.. But it's a slow process and I want to see some action now!

So here is... WARDROBE 2020!!

This is my mission to clear out some of the old and loved pieces that don't reflect my style today. We all have those items we bought that STILL have the labels attached... With the promise that "I will wear it one day". And that day somehow never seems to materialise.

So what I'm planning to do is break my wardrobe 'end use' down into categories and really be honest with myself on how much I need to fulfil that part of my life.

I really enjoy fashion, and can't see myself being so strict I end up with a top and a pair of jeans... But maybe I should let go some of those high heels that ruin my feet... Maybe I don't need 10 pairs of black ankle boots... (although they are my weakness!).

As I start my wardrobe declutter I will update here, as it will keep me accountable!

...Wish me luck!

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