Saturday 8 February 2020

Beauty tag

Whilst I'm not addicted to buying makeup and other beauty products, I do own far more than I really need or can use..

I also want to be able to buy new pieces without feeling guilty that I already own so much. Because what's the point in buying another lipstick when I have a ton already that I hardly ever wear?!

I'm doing a low-buy year for 2020 and I am keen to work through as many of my products as possible and really pare down my collection to what I love and use on the daily. 

I spotted this beauty tag and thought it would be interesting to fill in now and look back on in the future. 

So here we go...

  1. How much do you spend on makeup in a month? A year? I would say I spend a very minimal amount each month, sometimes nothing and sometimes a ton... So it's impossible to put a price tag on it.. I used to spend £20 at least each month on nailpolish or bathbombs or lip glosses etc etc.. I really took a look at myself in 2019 and now I have the odd splurge on eye makeup or nude lipsticks.. But otherwise anything new coming in are gifts or replacements I really need. 
  2. Do you ever feel guilty about how much you spend on makeup? I certainly HAVE done in the past.  (See above).
  3. Do you get FOMO related to makeup releases? Not for new releases, but I do see other people's rose gold/ nude toned makeup and get FOMO it will be discontinued by the time I need to purchase a replacement... 
  4. Do you purchase or keep items simply because they are limited edition? I do not.  BUT I am guilty off keeping things for far longer than I should as it's a gift, or discontinued or expensive.. 
  5. Would you be willing to pay more money for a sold out product online? No I much prefer to go into a store and swatch or just look at the product in real life, it's far More satisfying. 
  6. Do you wish you could spend more? Or less? I would like to reach the point in my collection where I can spend MORE so I can treat myself again... It's fun to have something new, I can't shake that side of me!
  7. Do you feel compelled to buy something when you see it in someone else’s collection? Yes, if I see something on YouTube that's in everyone's collection and they all speak highly of it,  I find myself needing it! But only if it's consistent or during a declutter as it will be more truthful...
  8. Do you buy more during the holidays? Nope :)
  9. Have you ever hidden a makeup purchase from friends or family? Nope, when I was younger I wasn't really into makeup.. After that it was my own money and something I enjoyed for myself!
  10. Do you have more than 10 products in your collection that you have not used in over a month? Shamefully.. Yes. I have loads of back-up foundations/ mascaras so there's that.  And I have loads of single eyeshadows that I haven't touched in what feels like forever.. I'm also awful for lip products so most of that is also gathering dust!! 
  11. Have you ever been pressured to purchase something you could not afford or did not need? Not in regards to makeup.. 
  12. Do you purchase makeup for collector reasons? Thankfully not! I'm lucky that I see it as something to use and enjoy rather than just buy to complete a set or anything. 
  13.  In your makeup journey have you become more or less consumeristic? It's hard to say, I really do enjoy shopping and can't see that buzz fading off anytime soon.. But equally I am More mindful on expiry dates and the fact I have one face and simply can't use everything up, even with the best intentions. I'm actively looking at owning less in all aspects of my life.. Buying less but better..

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