Friday 27 March 2020

Isolation day 3:

So, day 3..

Today wasn't so bad, I wasn't too anxious.. Although I ate like an absolute pig today!

Aside from that I was well behaved and woke up fairly early and made sure I posted my brothers birthday card. And had a lovely chat on the phone with my friend Meg. I had some trouble finding a post box that hadn't had it's last collection at 9am.. But fourth ones the charm it seems!

It was beautifully sunny and it helped my mood to be out in the middle of the day to get some exercise in.

I went to Waitrose for food shopping in the evening and was kindly gifted a bunch of daffodils by the kind cashier! This totally made my day,  so thanks very much!

I had a home made pizza for dinner, and at 8pm there was a huge round of applause going around the country for our fabulous NHS!

So a massive THANK YOU to them for working so hard through this tough time. xxx

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