Thursday 13 November 2014


Sorry about the sporadic blogging the last couple of weeks, but work has been full on and I've been out and about on my days off so not had time to plan any posts...

Atm I'm just recovering from a cold, and I've had a nose as red as Rudolf's and been sneezing almost non stop... So I'm enjoying a lazy day in today!

On a lovely positive note!!

I got my Graze box today! And this one is all about  'Fabulous fats'...

Normally we just hear how fats are a bad thing and that we should avoid them as much as possible, but as this box shows there are some good ones too! (sadly no Cadburys dairy milk yet!!).

But actually I am highly impressed with the contents of this box as it has a Chocolate brownie, an all day energiser (with mixed fruit), poppy seed pretzels and Cheesy crackers mixed with peanuts!

I've had a few of these before as I've been set up with a Graze box for a few years now and really enjoy trying new healthy snacks that I wouldn't put together/ consider for myself!

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